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Mediasnake is a simple web application.

The main page displays an accordion-style list of folders you have on disk. When you click on one of them, it expands to a thumbnail list showing all videos inside the folder.

Clicking on a video opens up a streaming view. If your browser can play the video directly, you can play it there. If not, you can open the direct link in a player application of your choice.


A simple way to stream videos to an Android tablet is:

  • Install VLC Android media player.

  • Browse to your Mediasnake server, and click “Stream” on a video of your liking.

  • Unless your videos are in MP4 format, they don’t play in the Android web browser directly.

    If so, do a long press on the “Direct link” button in Mediasnake’s streaming view, and choose to open the file with VLC. Presto!